So the only solution so I thought was to figure out how to tell the NamespaceManager what to use for the prefix used on the XML nodes.
It turns out one answer is to not attach a namespace manager and XPath as in :
*[local-name() = 'the-element-name-here']
from "Martin Honnen --- MVP XML".
More interesting to me is the looping over namespaces and adding them as found in microsoft.public.dotnet.xml :
foreach (XmlAttribute att in
if (att.LocalName == "ns1")
But this requires hard-coding the LocalName to be used in XPath queries.
The best answer I think is what my boss suggested. Get the defaults from the Root node of the doc as in:
xmlDoc.DocumentElement.Attributes["xmlns:" + xPathPrefix].Value;
And then add them to the Namespace Manager.